Lesson Videos
- 3 Volumes available as a set on DVD, as digital downloads, or streamed via Membership
- Can be purchased separately as well:Volume 1: on DVD or digital downloads
- Volume 2: on DVD or digital downloads
- Volume 3: on DVD or digital downloads
- Series totals:30 Video Lessons (12-15 min each)
- 67 Latin & Greek Roots
- 600+ English words
- Online vocabulary flashcards for each English derivative
Use Guides
- English words, Latin & Greek roots, and Quizlet links for review and reinforcement.
- How to use WordUp! Volume 1
- How to use WordUp! Volume 2
- How to use WordUp! Volume 3
- Volumes 1-3 combined in one PDF
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Utilizing a new approach to learning, WordUp! seriously expands a student’s grasp of the vocabulary used in literature, science, and standardized tests through fun videos and flash cards.

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Click the links in the Use Guides above (also available in your customer account), or go to www.CompassClassroom.com/Quizlet to access Quizlet for online Flashcards, Games, Quizzes and more to review and test vocabulary comprehension.