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Understanding the Old Testament
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Introduction & Books for Class4 Steps -
How the Old Testament Points to Jesus: A Biblical Foundation2 Steps
CREATION & THE FLOODIs Genesis History? Canon, Chronology, and Controversy2 Steps
Creation, Covenant, and the Purpose of Man in the Old Testament2 Steps
The Fall, the Curse, and the Promise of Redemption2 Steps
Cain and Abel: The First Murder and the Nature of Sin3 Steps
The Line of Cain vs. The Line of Seth: Two Paths in Biblical History2 Steps
NOAH & THE PATRIARCHSThe Covenant of Grace: God’s Promise to Noah and All Creation2 Steps
Faith and Righteousness: Abraham as the Model of Justification2 Steps
Faith and Obedience: How Abraham’s Life Displays the Christian Journey2 Steps
Theology in History: The Patriarchs and God's Plan2 Steps
MOSES, EXODUS, & THE LAWMoses and Jesus: The Deliverers of God’s People2 Steps
The Ten Commandments: God’s Law Given on Mount Sinai2 Steps
How the Law Points to Christ2 Steps
The Tabernacle: God’s Dwelling Among His People2 Steps
The History of Redemption: Tracing God's Plan from Genesis to Christ2 Steps
Abraham’s Faith, the Law, and the Gospel in the Old Testament2 Steps
How Galatians Unlocks the Old Testament2 Steps
HISTORY & PSALMSFaith, Forgetfulness, and Redemption: The Nicene Creed, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges & Ruth2 Steps
Messianic Psalms: Prophecy, Fulfillment, and Christ’s Kingship2 Steps
Scripture Interprets Scripture: How the Psalms and Prophets Reveal Jesus2 Steps
From Solomon to Exile: How Israel’s History Shapes the Prophets’ Message2 Steps
PROPHETSThe Voice in the Wilderness: Isaiah’s Prophecies and Their Fulfillment in Christ2 Steps
Isaiah and the New Testament: Finding Christ in the Old Testament2 Steps
Isaiah and the Messiah: Prophecies of Christ’s Suffering and Kingship2 Steps
Isaiah and the Nations: Prophecy, Geopolitics, and the Coming Kingdom1 Step
Jeremiah and the New Covenant: From Judgment to Redemption2 Steps
Ezekiel’s Visions: Judgment, Restoration, and the Glory of God2 Steps
Daniel and the Kingdom of God: Prophecy, Sovereignty, and Fulfillment1 Step
Lesson 3 of 29
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Is Genesis History? Canon, Chronology, and Controversy
Lesson Content
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0/2 Steps