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Age: 12+ Middle School, High School

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Special Modules of the F.O.R.M. Curriculum

We’re excited to partner with Glory to Glory Fitness to make F.O.R.M. available to subscribers through the Compass Membership. Access is only for a limited time—now through March 2025. If you find the course useful, let us know at hello@mycompassclassroom.com so that we can make plans to extend our access agreement.

Teaching our kids sensitive topics like sex ed, social health, emotional health, and substance abuse and addiction can feel awkward and confusing.

This course covers all those sensitive health topics from a Biblical worldview. With animated videos, teaching guides, devotional guides, auto graded assessments and more, you can teach your kids these sensitive topics with curriculum you can trust.

This course is the 4 bonus lessons of the F.O.R.M. curriculum, which is available as a complete set as well as individual units.

  1. Functional Fitness: Learning how to move well over a lifetime.
  2. Optimal Nourishment: Learning how to enjoy food, while also fueling our bodies.
  3. Rest and Recovery: Learning how to create preventative routines to stay refreshed in our minds and bodies in every season.
  4. Multiplied Maintenance: Learning the foundations of thinking for sustainable growth in healthy living while helping others do the same.


4 Modules Containing:

  • Animated videos
  • Devotional guides
  • Lesson worksheets
  • Teaching guides
  • Autograded assessments

Purchase the F.O.R.M. curriculum here or subscribe to the Compass Membership to gain access to the Special Modules course materials.

About Instructor

Coach Ashton

Ashton Tate is the founder of Glory to Glory Fitness in Nashville, TN and the creator of The F.O.R.M. Curriculum. He partners with K-12 teachers and parents all over America to help them equip and empower their kids to build a solid foundation of healthy living while they are young. His mission is to equip and empower educators and parents so every student in America can have a quality health education. His work has been featured in publications such as USA Today and Fox News.

5 Courses

Not Enrolled
This course is currently closed

Course Includes

  • 5 Lessons
  • 18 Steps
  • 4 Quizzes

Course Notice

Please note that after starting this course, your email address will be shared with the creators of the course, Glory to Glory Fitness, for marketing purposes. You can opt-out at any time.