Age: 12-14 Middle School, High School 1 Full Credit
This course will focus on building a comprehensive understanding of basic literary elements such as irony, duality, juxtaposition and, more importantly, a love of literature.
The class will meet weekly over Zoom on Tuesdays, from 1:00 PM – 2:00 PM Central Standard Time, according to the schedule in Lesson 1 below. The format will be discussion-based with short lectures focused on the historical context of a particular book or short story.
Students will read a variety of literary forms and learn how to write a basic thesis paper, research appropriate outside sources, and find their own voice. The papers should reflect the student’s personal opinion as well as his ability to grasp literary concepts. The course can be used alongside Dave Raymond’s American History course but is also structured to stand alone.
Course Requirements:
Assessment and Grading:
All assessments will be conducted live during the weekly Zoom meetings.
Course Format:
The course will consist of live Zoom meetings that will be added to the steps as recordings each week.
Course Content
Introduction to American Literature
About Instructor