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How Should We Then Live?

0% Complete
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  1. Before You Begin
    4 Steps
  2. Episode 1 - The Roman Age
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  3. Episode 2 - The Middle Ages
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  4. Episode 3 - The Renaissance
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  5. Episode 4 - The Reformation
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  6. Episode 5 - The Revolutionary Age
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  7. Episode 6 - The Scientific Age
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  8. Episode 7 - The Age of Non-reason
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  9. Episode 8 - The Age of Fragmentation
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  10. Episode 9 - The Age of Personal Peace and Affluence
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  11. Episode 10 - Final Choices
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  12. Bonus Material
    2 Steps
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Choose at least one person or topic from this list and write a 1-2 page paper explaining their importance.

  • Julius Caesar: 100-44 B.C.
  • Augustus Caesar (Octavian): 63 B.C.-A.D. 14
  • Declared Pontifex Maximus: 12 B.C.
  • Diocletian: (Emperor) A.D. 284-305
  • Tertullian
  • Origen
  • Augustine
  • Athanasius
  • Council of Nicea

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