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How Should We Then Live?

0% Complete
0/0 Steps
  1. Before You Begin
    4 Steps
  2. Episode 1 - The Roman Age
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  3. Episode 2 - The Middle Ages
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  4. Episode 3 - The Renaissance
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  5. Episode 4 - The Reformation
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  6. Episode 5 - The Revolutionary Age
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  7. Episode 6 - The Scientific Age
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  8. Episode 7 - The Age of Non-reason
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  9. Episode 8 - The Age of Fragmentation
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  10. Episode 9 - The Age of Personal Peace and Affluence
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  11. Episode 10 - Final Choices
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  12. Bonus Material
    2 Steps
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
  1. Dr. Schaeffer claims that, through looking at history, we can see how presuppositions determine events. Does his discussion bear this out and, if so, how?
  2. How can a survey of Roman history in one-half hour be either useful or responsible? Discuss.
  3. “History does not repeat itself.” —The parallels between the history of Rome and the twentieth century West are many and obvious.” How may these statements be reconciled?

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