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History 1: American

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  1. Lesson 1: Orientation
    10 Steps
  2. Lesson 2: The Banner of the Sun (Meso-America)
    13 Steps
  3. Lesson 3: Brave New World (The Early Explorers)
    11 Steps
  4. Lesson 4: The Colossus of Empire (The Colonies)
    11 Steps
  5. Lesson 5: Stability & Change (The Reformational Colonies)
    11 Steps
  6. Lesson 6: A City Upon A Hill (The Puritans)
    12 Steps
  7. Lesson 7: A Foreign War at Home (Wars of Control)
    11 Steps
  8. Lesson 8: Grace, the Founder of Liberty (The Great Awakening)
    14 Steps
  9. Lesson 9: Fathers of Independence (Adams, Franklin, Witherspoon, & Henry)
    11 Steps
  10. Lesson 10: Liberty or Death (The Declaration of Independence)
    11 Steps
  11. Lesson 11: Awesome Providence (The War of Independence 1)
    11 Steps
  12. Lesson 12: Awesome Providence (The War of Independence 2)
    11 Steps
  13. Lesson 13: A More Perfect Union (The Constitution)
    12 Steps
  14. Lesson 14: Federal Headship (George Washington)
    11 Steps
  15. Lesson 15: How Good & Pleasant It Is (Adams & Jefferson)
    14 Steps
  16. Lesson 16: Manifest Destiny (Settlers, Explorers, & War)
    11 Steps
  17. Lesson 17: Word & Deed (John Quincy Adams & Andrew Jackson)
    12 Steps
  18. Lesson 18: The Original United Nations (Expansion of the Early U.S.)
    11 Steps
  19. Lesson 19: Idols of Mercy (Revivals, Counterfeits, & Art)
    12 Steps
  20. Lesson 20: A House Divided 1 (The Age of Compromise & Divided Cultures)
    11 Steps
  21. Lesson 21: A House Divided 2 (Abraham Lincoln & Secession)
    13 Steps
  22. Lesson 22: The Second War for Independence (The War Between the States 1)
    11 Steps
  23. Lesson 23: Brother Against Brother (The War Between the States 2)
    11 Steps
  24. Lesson 24: The Lost Cause (Reconstruction)
    11 Steps
  25. Lesson 25: A New Normal (The West, Immigration, & Robber Barons)
    11 Steps
  26. Lesson 26: Theology As Biography (Theodore Roosevelt & Booker T. Washington)
    12 Steps
Lesson Progress
0% Complete


  1. Read the selection from The Book of Prophecies by Christopher Columbus.
  2. Write a short essay or discuss with your instructor: What was Christopher Columbus’ primary encouragement for his expedition?

SELECTION: From The Book of Prophecies by Christopher Columbus.

I hope to God that when I come back here from Castille, which I intend on doing, that I will find a barrel of gold for which these people I am leaving will have traded, and they will have found a gold mine and spices in such quantities, that within three years the sovereigns will prepare and undertake the reconquest of the Holy Land. I’ve already petitioned your highnesses to see that all the profits of this, my enterprise, should be spent on the conquest of Jerusalem and your highnesses smiled and said that the idea pleased them and that even without the expedition they had an inclination to do it.

The argument I have for the restitution of the Temple Mount to the holy church is simple. I only hold fast to the Holy Scriptures, and to the prophetic citations attributed to certain holy men, who are carried along by divine wisdom. Remember with what cost Spain undertook the reconquest of Granada and with what great reward.

I am motivated by the Scriptures to go on to discover the Indies. I went to the royal court with the intention of entreating our sovereigns to specify revenues, that they might accrue, to be spent on the reconquest of Jerusalem. I must repeat, for the expedition to the Indies, neither reason, nor mathematics, nor cartography were of profit to me in the manner that were the prophecies of scripture. This is what I have to report concerning the liberation of Jerusalem. Be glad, if there be any faith in us, the enterprise is bound for victory.

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