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Spanish Grammar from Latin Roots

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    What You Need To Know Before You Begin
    3 Steps
  2. Unit 1
    Lesson 1 - Spanish is Filled with English Words
    2 Steps
  3. Lesson 2 - Forming Basic Sentences
    2 Steps
  4. Lesson 3 - The Past Tense in Spanish
    2 Steps
  5. Lesson 4 - The Preterite Tense
    2 Steps
  6. Lesson 5 - Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish Pt. 1
    2 Steps
  7. Lesson 6 - Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish Pt. 2
    2 Steps
  8. Lesson 7 - Madrigal's Magic Key to Spanish Pt. 3
    2 Steps
  9. Lesson 8 - -Er and -Ir Verbs
    2 Steps
  10. Lesson 9 - Plural Verbs, and Adjectives
    2 Steps
  11. Lesson 10 - Past Tense: -Er and -Ir verbs, Irregular verbs: Estar and Ser.
    2 Steps
  12. Lesson 11 - Present Participles
    2 Steps
  13. Lesson 12 - The Present Tense
    2 Steps
  14. Lesson 13 - Present Tense Plural & Past Tense Irregular
    2 Steps
  15. Lesson 14 - Present Tense Plural & Past Tense Irregular
    2 Steps
  16. UNIT 2
    Lesson 15 - Past Participles
    2 Steps
  17. Lesson 16 - Pronunciation
    2 Steps
  18. Lecture 17 - Present, Past, Future
    2 Steps
  19. Lecture 18 - Radical Verbs
    2 Steps
  20. Lecture 19 - Radical Verbs
    2 Steps
  21. Lesson 20 - Radical Verbs
    2 Steps
  22. Lesson 21 - The Verb ir
    2 Steps
  23. Lesson 22 - Past Participles
    2 Steps
  24. Lesson 23 - Irregular Verbs
    2 Steps
  25. Lesson 24 - Direct Object Pronouns
    2 Steps
  26. Lesson 25 - Indirect Object Pronouns
    2 Steps
  27. Lesson 26 - Reflexive Verbs
    2 Steps
  28. Lesson 27 - The Imperfect Tense
    2 Steps
  29. Lesson 28 - Commands
    2 Steps
  30. Lesson 29 - Subjunctive
    1 Step
Lesson Progress
0% Complete


The goal of this class is to get you to an intermediate or advanced beginner reading level in Spanish. By the end of the course, I would like you to have the ability to read the New Testament in Spanish.

Everything you need to learn Spanish will be part of this courseware on Compass Classroom. However, I’ve added some bells and whistles through my own Web site which are available for your (free) use as a Compass customer. Look for access instructions in the next step.

Homework is going to essentially be the same thing every week.

  • Read the textbook chapter we are in. For example—if we are in chapter 3, read chapter 3.
  • Listen to the New Testament in Spanish. This will give you a pronunciation reference.
  • Take the tests which will be linked to lessons as PDFs with a key. Alternatively, take the tests on my site which will grade them immediately.

Of course, there are many other things you can do.  I have been studying languages most of my life and have discovered lots language learning tips.  I will share these tips with you in class.

But, you need to remember this.  Most learners, and many teachers way underemphasize the tremendous power of reading.  If you don’t do anything else, read.  Read the book.  Read the chapters each week.  And, then read them again.  And again.

As the Romans used to say, repetition is the mother of memory.  Read.  Read.  Read.