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Strange New World

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  1. Introduction
    5 Steps
  2. {+} Join Facilitation for This Course
  3. 1. Welcome to This Strange New World
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  4. 2. Romantic Roots
    8 Steps
    1 Quiz
  5. 3. Prometheus Unbound
    8 Steps
    1 Quiz
  6. 4. Sexualizing Psychology, Politicizing Sex
    4 Steps
    1 Quiz
  7. 5. The Revolt of the Masses
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  8. 6. Plastic People, Liquid World
    4 Steps
    1 Quiz
  9. 7. The Sexual Revolution of the LGBTQ+
    6 Steps
    1 Quiz
  10. 8. Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness
    5 Steps
    1 Quiz
  11. 9. Strangers in This Strange New World
    6 Steps
    1 Quiz
  12. Conclusion
    2 Steps
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
  1. How have your beliefs and opinions been shaped by the world around you?
  2. What differences in attitudes and beliefs have you noticed between the generations in your family? How have you addressed these?
  3. What is expressive individualism? Do you recognize it in yourself? In what ways?
  1. Students’ answers will vary: they may talk about their school, family life, church, social media, friends, etc.
  2. Answers may vary depending on experiences with family. They could write about the difference between the way their grandparents view the world vs. the way their cousins do. They could focus on the differences in how relatives make decisions: do they base their decisions on morality, money, social status, etc?
  3. Expressive individualism is defined by Robert Bellah as “[a view] that holds that each person has a unique core of feelings and intuition that should unfold or be expressed if individuality is to be realized” (Trueman 22). Students will base their answer off this definition and Carl Trueman’s analysis of it which can be found on page 23 of the book.

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