Age: 13+ Middle School, High School 1 Full Credit
An in-depth exploration of the world of creation science. Created by the producer, writer, and director of Is Genesis History?, this series explains the science and scholarship behind a historical Genesis. It also introduces many of the scientists building the modern Creation-Flood model.
The class covers the following topics: geology, paleontology, biology, astronomy, archeology, Biblical studies, philosophy of science, and more.
The material includes a mixture of videos, essays, books, lectures, technical articles, and research projects. For those desiring credit for the class, a book list is included in the first lesson.
Credit: 1 HS Science Credit (non lab-science)
Physical Books Required: There are five books needed if a student is taking this course as designed for credit. See this step in the course for details and purchase links.
Course Content
Setting the Stage
About Instructor
Thomas Purifoy, Jr.
A creative filmmaker who develops unique learning resources intended to advance the Kingdom of God. Thomas helped develop a classical-based curriculum, and taught philosophy, Old Testament, film and history at the American School of Lyon, France. Thomas studied English at Vanderbilt University and is a former Officer in the US Navy. He currently oversees Compass Classroom and Compass Cinema.
5 Courses