Lesson Videos

Student Reader

  • Available as digital files with your purchase, or as a separate download or printed book (335 pages)
  • Includes daily readings, assignments, and weekly exams. 


  • Essentially a scrapbook or a visual textbook for the semester’s lessons which shows the lessons that have been verbally discussed.
  • Provided by the student: a scrapbook, photo album, 3-ring binder, or a fine sketchbook of durable quality such as card stock or a heavy drawing paper.

Teacher’s Guide

  • Scope & Sequence for two semesters of Middle/High School (Ages 13+)
  • Portfolio & Project Guide
  • Grading Guides for Exams, Readings, the Portfolio, and Projects
  • Suggested Literature Titles to go along with most of the 27 Lessons
  • Exam Answer Key

Supplementary Audio Products

Need help organizing the digital curriculum? We’ve got a helpful entry on our blog that covers just that!


There are a number of different elements to this curriculum that make it quite unique.

Once you see how everything works together, however, it should be fairly easy to teach. You will also want to watch all five parts of Lesson 1 – Orientation. The entire curriculum is explained in detail there.

The class is designed to fill two semesters. It covers 27 Lessons with the goal of completing one Lesson per week. Each Lesson is broken down into five different lectures (approximately 20 minutes each) with associated readings or assignments.

Each day, plan on scheduling approx. 20 minutes for the video and 15 minutes for the daily reading and questions.

Each week, budget approximately 20 minutes for the exam, and another 20 for the Lesson’s Portfolio entry. These elements can be modified to suit the age and frame of your student. For example, parents of middle school students might remove the daily readings to concentrate on the Portfolio, and integrate the Exam questions as a summary of the applicable lesson video.

You can assign one lecture a day or you can go through two or more lectures in one day. Your student will be the best gauge as to how much he or she can effectively cover at one time.

The readings in the second semester of this series are often much longer than the readings in the first half. As the teacher, feel free to abridge any of the writings to more appropriately challenge your student.

One Lesson is normally completed per week. Use the included chart (sample) to mark off what has been finished. Only exams, essays and projects are scored.

If an Assignment asks one or more questions, these are meant to be considered by the student as he or she does the reading. You can also use these questions as a way to discuss the lesson with your student after the lesson and readings are complete.

Grading is one of the most challenging tasks of the humanities teacher. Grading a simple question such as, “In what year did Columbus discover the Americas?” is easy and straightforward. But grading the question, “What motivated Columbus to set sail?” is rather complex because it requires a careful consideration on the part of the teacher over a multitude of answers. The reason for this is that history is an art within the humanities which, as Harry L. Lewis once said, “teach[es] us what it means to be human.” A multitude of answers can therefore be given since different students have different perspectives.

That said, specific information is always provided in these history lessons. Furthermore, a principle, or main idea, is always referred to. The real art of the humanities teacher is to evaluate a student’s knowledge, understanding, and wisdom of a given subject. Such an evaluation looks like this:

  1. Knowledge—Does the student know key people, places, dates, and events?
  2. Understanding—Does the student understand how the idea or action of one person or people resulted in a specific event or culture later in History?
  3. Wisdom—Can the student apply this knowledge and understanding to other periods of history, other subjects, and even his or her personal life?

When I grade my students according to this rubric, I ask several key questions of the student’s answers. First, I want to know, “Do the answers of the student show a work ethic matching their current maturity in the discipline of history?” No one starts in the same place as another. Every individual brings a unique experience and perspective to the table. Thus, not all students have the same abilities as each other when answering questions or performing tasks. However, all students can be graded against themselves, week-by-week. The goal is to see consistent improvement in students’ answers exam-by-exam and to evaluate their level of work ethic when they apply themselves to an assigned task or question.

Secondly, “How thorough is the answer of the student?” Consider whether or not the student has answered all parts of the question. Determine whether or not all required information has been included. Ask the student to augment answers that are vague or lacking in detail. After all, history is about specifics and is typically told through a narrative. Students should be able to retell the stories of the past as this is the key to enjoying history.

Thirdly, “Does the student show an ability to interact with and explain the principle through their answers?” This is the most difficult part to grade but is also the most rewarding. In the work of my students, I am constantly searching for an understanding of how Biblical principles work, whatever the subject, because this is the key to wisdom. In the answers of your students, you want to ask whether or not they understand the main idea and have connected it to the specific info contained in the lesson. If they have, encourage them to apply this in other areas of their life. If they have not, review the material or discuss it from a fresh perspective.

History is an art and cannot be mastered in any single lifetime. It is an art akin to a spiritual discipline since no matter the number of times we have heard a certain tale or learned a specific verse, we must return to it again and again lest we become forgetful and slip into the void of unfaithfulness. History teaches us to remember God’s mighty deeds and to hope because an infinite and merciful Yahweh has already ordained our days—past, present, and future.

The readings have been carefully selected to create a fully-orbed program. These readings consist of speeches, first-hand accounts, sermons, letters, poems, and historical narratives. Each reading is also accompanied by a question or two about the selection in order to prompt a student’s critical thinking in each reading. Some readings are easily accessible to students of 9th-12th grades and some are not. Therefore, it is up to the discretion of the teacher whether or not to assign a reading, all of the reading, or to coach a student through part of the reading.

Please remember that these materials are designed to give a student a full course in modern history and may be seen as either core materials or supplemental.

The name of the game in portfolios is craftsmanship. When I grade portfolios, I am primarily interested in whether or not the student has created a visual scrapbook of high quality work and whether or not they have done this work consistently. Also, I only grade the weekly (or per lesson) portfolios on a quarterly basis. I find this to be a good measure and encouragement of a student’s personal responsibility and time management. To be precise, here is my rubric for grading portfolios.

Like portfolios, projects require diligence and craftsmanship. While each project is different, they can all be graded upon these two virtues. Additionally, I also require classroom presentations of my students for each project which contribute to their overall grade. This may or may not be feasible in your situation but is highly encouraged.

Here are my grading rubrics for each project in the Modernity year.


HSLDA recommends spending approximately 150 hours on a subject to qualify for high school credit.

This is how Dave Raymond’s classes generally break down to achieve that credit.  Some students will spend more time in some areas and some will spend less, but there is clearly enough different types of work to qualify for full high school credit.

The reader includes over 300 pages of original historical materials.  It increases in length as the year progresses.  For example, Lessons in the first semester comprise approximately 140 pages while those in the second comprise approximately 190 pages.  If additional reading is desired for older students, we include recommendations for that.

If a parent desires to do two or more thesis papers for older students, that is perfectly acceptable and will only increase the amount of time spent in the class.

Suggested Titles for Further Reading

Lesson 1: Goodbye, Mr. Chips by James Hutton
Lesson 2: Rasselas by Samuel Johnson
Lesson 5: The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy
Lesson 6: A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens
Lesson 7: The Antiquary by Sir Walter Scott
Lesson 9: Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen
Lesson 10: The Portable Romantic Poets edited by W.H. Auden
Lesson 13: Silas Marner by George Eliot

Lesson 15: The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton
Lesson 16: Greenmantle by John Buchan
Lesson 19: The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien
Lesson 21: Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
Lesson 23: The Nine Tailors by Dorothy Sayers
Lesson 24: The Space Trilogy by C.S. Lewis
Lesson 26: One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn
Lesson 27: Brave New World by Aldous Huxley

  • FAQs

The “Year Long Portfolio” (taken from this blog article)

“If we receive one question about our history courses it’s usually about the year long portfolio. Since it’s a student’s creation most parents are uncertain how it “should” look. In short, the portfolio is a unique scrapbook. The portfolio offers students a chance to retell history lessons using their own gifts and talents. If a student is an artist, writer, poet, composer, crafter, graphic designer, etc. they can create their own portfolio in such a way to represent their skill while keeping them engaged in the course.

Thankfully our friends at Half An Acre Wood have shared an excellent post, The Making of a History Portfolio and explained how they created their history portfolio.”