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F.O.R.M. Pillar 3: Rest and Recovery
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Before You Begin2 Steps
Lesson 1: Sleep7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 2: Rest7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 3: Posture7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 4: Stress Management7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 5: Stretching7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 6: Active Recovery7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 7: Nourishment7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 8: Injury Recovery And Icing7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 2,
Step 6
In Progress
Devotional Guide
Lesson Progress
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Psalms 127:1-2
The word “sorrows” can also mean anxiety. Many of us experience anxiety and feelings of worry. King Solomon helps us see God’s desire to take care of us, give us peace, and help us sleep knowing He’s protecting and providing for us. There is nothing greater we can do for our physical health than get quality sleep. Staying up late and cutting into our sleep doesn’t help us. Worrying about what’s streaming or on social media doesn’t help us. Not only does God want to give our minds peace, He wants to give our bodies rest so we can be optimally healthy in Him.
- What does Psalm 127:1-2 tell us about God’s desire to care for us?
- What are some reasons sleep is so beneficial to our health?
- What kinds of things cut into our sleep?