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Philosophy: Consequences of Ideas
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First Steps6 Steps -
Greek Philosophy1. Pre-Socratic Philosophers7 Steps|1 Quiz
2. Socrates6 Steps|1 Quiz
3. Plato7 Steps|1 Quiz
4. Aristotle7 Steps|1 Quiz
Medieval Christian Philosophy5. Plotinus & Augustine7 Steps|1 Quiz
6. Anselm & Aquinas9 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch: "Anselm" (23 min)
Read: Anselm (10 pp.)
Watch: "Aquinas - Part 1" (24 min)
Watch: "Aquinas - Part 2" (23 min)
Read: Aquinas (19 pp.)
Read: Frame on Anselm & Aquinas (38 pp.)
Write: Agree or Disagree with Anselm or Aquinas
Review: Anselm & Aquinas
Go Deeper: Read 'Aquinas' from "Great Philosophers" (12 pp.)
Watch: "Anselm" (23 min)
Early Modern Philosophy7. Renaissance & Descartes8 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch: "The Renaissance Revolution" (24 min)
Watch: "Descartes" (23 min)
Watch: "Descartes and 'Cause and Effect'" (24 min)
Read: Descartes (15 pp.)
Read: Frame on Renaissance & Descartes (18 pp.)
Write: A Meditation on a Dedication
Review: Renaissance & Descartes
Go Deeper: Read 'Descartes' from "Great Philosophers" (7 pp.)
Watch: "The Renaissance Revolution" (24 min)
8. Leibniz & Pascal9 Steps|1 Quiz
9. Locke8 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch: "Locke" (23 min)
Read: Locke (18 pp)
Watch: "Crisis in the 18th Century - Part 1" (24 min)
Watch: "Crisis in the 18th Century - Part 2" (20 min)
Read: Frame on Early Modern Thought (6 pp)
Write: Locke's Ideas about the Way We Know Things
Review: Locke
Go Deeper: Read 'Locke' in "Great Philosophers"
Watch: "Locke" (23 min)
10. Berkeley & Hume10 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch: "Berkeley and Empiricism" (23 min)
Read: Berkeley (7 pp.)
Read: Frame on Berkeley (4 pp.)
Watch: "Hume - Part 1" (24 min)
Watch: "Hume - Part 2" (25 min)
Read: Hume (5 pp.)
Read: Frame on Hume (9 pp.)
Write: Skeptical of Hume's Skepticism
Review: Berkeley and Hume
Go Deeper: Read 'Berkeley' and 'Hume' in "Great Philosophers"
Watch: "Berkeley and Empiricism" (23 min)
Modern Philosophy11. Kant7 Steps|1 Quiz
12. The Enlightenment6 Steps|1 Quiz
13. Hegel & Marx10 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch: "Hegel" (24 min)
Read: Frame on Hegel (7 pp)
Read: Hegel (7 pp)
Watch: "Marx" (23 min)
Read: Frame on Marx (5 pp)
Read: Marx (15 pp)
Write: Two Great Counterfeiters
Review: Hegel & Marx
Watch: "The Origins of Cultural Marxism" (23 min)
Read: "Cultural Marxism and Critical Theory: An Introductory Sketch"
Watch: "Hegel" (24 min)
14. Nietzsche & Kierkegaard8 Steps|1 Quiz
15. Sartre & Heidegger6 Steps|1 Quiz
16. Russell & Modern Philosophers8 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 3,
Step 5
In Progress
Review: Socrates
Lesson Progress
0% Complete
The Life of Socrates
- Lived in Athens (circa 468-397 B.C.) in a critical time of Greek civilization
- “The unexamined life is not worth living”
- In Socrates’ life, Sparta defeated Athens, leaving Athens weakened economically and philosophically. They were disillusioned with religion and ready to accept skepticism as the best option
- He analyzed and challenged the presuppositions of his culture by engaging the people in dialogue and by asking them questions, called “The Socratic Method”
- Plato’s records of Socrates demonstrate this method of Socrates’ moving people from their superficial sophism to truth
- Socrates was killed because he was charged with atheism and the intellectual seduction of the youth of Athens
The Environment of Socrates
Sophists and their Impact
- With the decline of Greek culture, the sophists, with whom Plato did combat, grew less and less sage-like and more superficial. The sophists were itinerant teachers, who, for a fee, would give you their ideas and education.
- Their goal was to develop artful rhetoric which would persuade—whether it was true or not. The society was just beginning to use the jury system of conviction, so the place of professional oration was growing more important
Protagoras and Gorgias
- Homo mensura: Man is the measure of all things.
- Gorgias was an early skeptic who said that “good” is what advances your own self-interest
Key ideas of Socrates
- True knowledge comes through the admission of ignorance
- His key moral concern was virtue and the basis of it