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F.O.R.M. Pillar 1: Functional Fitness

0% Complete
0/0 Steps
  1. Before You Begin
    2 Steps
  2. Lesson 1: Made to Move
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  3. Lesson 2: Functional Fitness
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  4. Lesson 3: Move Today/Move Tomorrow
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  5. Lesson 4: Why Train (Part 1)
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  6. Lesson 5: Why Train (Part 2)
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  7. Lesson 6: Healthy on the Inside (Part 1)
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  8. Lesson 7: Healthy on the Inside (Part 2)
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  9. Lesson 8: Fighting Sickness/Blood Flow
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

There is a lot of useful material in this course. Here’s an explanation of all the components—select the ones that would be most useful to your student. Each lesson involves 8 steps:

  1. Watch Lesson—watch an animated video about the week’s topic.
    Students can fill out the Interactive Learning Guide as they watch. These are provided under each video.
  2. Read Lesson—read a summary and key takeaways of the lesson.
  3. Discussion Questions—discuss topics related to the lesson.
  4. Take Action—apply the lesson in your life.
  5. Move—follow along with Coach Ashton and Joel in Warm Up, Movement Training, and Cool Down videos.
    Example workouts of varying difficulties are provided under each Movement video.
  6. Devotional Guide—read Scripture, reflect, and respond.
  7. Fuel Challenge—create a healthy snack, lunch, or dinner.
  8. Quiz—assess the student’s understanding of the lesson.

This course is designed for middle and high school, but if students want to go more in depth, Teaching Slides, Guided Notes, and High School Assessments are available in the course materials. These materials cover more content than the animated videos and are great resources for further study. Students can fill out the Guided Notes as they go through the Teaching Slides, and the HS Assessments are available to assess their understanding.