Lesson 2, Step 3
In Progress

Short Answer & Discussion Questions

Lesson Progress
0% Complete


  1. RC says “the choice is not between planning and not planning, but between allowing individuals the freedom to plan their own lives versus granting power to the government to plan their lives for them.” What are the implications on either side for Biblical stewardship?
  2. Why is the impossibility of economic calculation such a problem for an interventionist economic system?
  3. Why is control of education such an important part of an interventionist economy?


  1. If government intervention confuses economic calculation within a market, talk about some areas you’ve seen this happen in the US through the use of government money in various industries.
  2. Do you think the US has moved in the direction of socialism over the past 100 years? Why or why not? Name some specific examples one way or the other.
  3. We’ve said some strong things about public education. What do you think about the current state of education in the US, and why do you think it’s in that condition?


  • Basic Economics, 4th Ed. – Carson & Cleveland – Chapters 12, 15, 20 & 21
  • Prosperity and Poverty – Beisner – Chapters 12 & 13
  • Unmasking the Sacred Lies – Cleveland – Chapter 6
  • Dumbing Us Down – Gatto – Chapter 1

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