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Western Culture 4-2: Poetry and Politics
0% Complete
0/0 Steps
Lesson 1: Introduction to the Enlightenment1 Step
Lesson 2: Pope 11 Step
Lesson 3: Pope 21 Step
Lesson 4: Burke 11 Step
Lesson 5: Burke 21 Step
Lesson 6: Romantic Poetry 11 Step
Lesson 7: Romantic Poetry 21 Step
Lesson 8: Intro to the Victorian Age & Democracy in America1 Step
Lesson 9: Poe1 Step
Lesson 10: Victorian Poetry 11 Step
Lesson 11: Victorian Poetry 21 Step
Lesson 12: Victorian Poetry 31 Step
Lesson 1,
Step 1
In Progress
Lecture 1: Introduction to the Enlightenment (29 min video)
Lesson Progress
0% Complete