Creation Science
Setting the Stage
First Steps4 Steps -
1. An Overview of Everything7 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch "Is Genesis History?" (110 min)
Read the Guide to the Film
Write Essay: The Structure of the Film
Read "Why Time Matters to the Origins Debate"
Watch "Exploring Paradigms and Design" (22 min) - Dr. Paul Nelson
Project: Compare the Two Primary Views of Earth History
Go Deeper: Watch "Comparing the Two Paradigms of Earth History" - Dr. Danny Faulkner Conf Lecture (57 min)
Watch "Is Genesis History?" (110 min)
2. What is Science?7 Steps|1 Quiz
Read "A Path Through the Experts"
Watch "Why I am a Creationist" - Various Scientists
Project: Research a Scientist
Read "History, Science, and Authority"
Watch "How Should Christians View Science?" (12 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Read "What is Science?" - Dr. Kurt Wise
Go Deeper: Watch "Creationism in the 21st Century" - Dr. Todd Wood Conf Lecture (44 min)
Read "A Path Through the Experts"
3. The Biblical Record10 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch "Why Genesis is Truly History" (22 min) - Dr. Steve Boyd
Read "The Doctrine of Creation"
Watch "Overview of the First Chapters of Genesis" (16 min) - Dr. Steve Boyd
Read "A Proper Reading of Genesis 1:1-2:3" in Thousands...Not Billions
Read "Should Genesis 1 & 2 Be Taken Literally?"
Go Deeper: Watch "How Do We Know Genesis is True?" - Dr. Steve Boyd Conf Lecture (44 min)
Go Deeper: Read "The Genre of Genesis 1:1–2:3: What Means This Text?"
Go Deeper: Watch "Is Genesis 1:1-2:4 Narrative or Poetry?" - Dr. Steve Boyd Conf Lecture (46 min)
Commentary from Del & the Director on filming Dr. Steve Boyd (10 min)
Project: Link Science and Scripture
Watch "Why Genesis is Truly History" (22 min) - Dr. Steve Boyd
Advanced Topics: Biblical Authority to Philosophy of Science6 Steps
Watch "How did the Authority of Scripture get Dethroned?" (58 min) - Dr. Steve Boyd Conf Lecture
Watch "Literary Structures in the Flood Account" (54 min) - Dr. Steve Boyd Conf Lecture
Watch "Intro to Old Testament Studies" (49 min) - Dr. Steve Boyd Conf Lecture
Watch "Intro to Old Testament Theology" (65 min) - Dr. Steve Boyd Conf Lecture
Watch "Importance of Literary Structure" (59 min) - Dr. Steve Boyd Conf Lecture
Watch "Philosophy of Science" (63 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise Conf Lecture
Watch "How did the Authority of Scripture get Dethroned?" (58 min) - Dr. Steve Boyd Conf Lecture
Understanding the Flood4. The Cause of the Flood8 Steps|1 Quiz
Read two chapters from The New Creationism
Watch "Catastrophic Plate Tectonics" (21 min) - Dr. Andrew Snelling
Read about Catastrophic Plate Tectonics
Watch "Introduction to Catastrophic Plate Tectonics" Conf Lecture (48 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Go Deeper: Watch "Geophysics of the Flood" - Conf Lecture (130 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Go Deeper: Read two technical papers on Catastrophic Plate Tectonics
Go Deeper: Watch "Continental Sprint" (65 min) - Dr. Steve Austin Conf Lecture
Project: Explaining Catastrophic Plate Tectonics
Read two chapters from The New Creationism
5. The Evidence for the Flood8 Steps|1 Quiz
Read "The Doctrine of Judgment"
Watch "The Grand Staircase" (18 min) - Dr. Steve Austin
Watch "Grand Canyon: Desert View & the Colorado River" (18 min) - Dr. Steve Austin
Watch "The Great Unconformity & Megasequences" (18 min) - Dr. Steve Austin
Read about The Geologic Column
Read "Why Do Some Christians Think Noah’s Flood Was Local?"
Go Deeper: Watch "The Sedimentology of the Flood" - Dr. Kurt Wise Conf Lecture (90 min)
Commentary from Del & the Director on filming Dr. Steve Austin (12 min)
Read "The Doctrine of Judgment"
6. Catastrophes in the Past7 Steps|1 Quiz
Read "What Actually Happened at Mount St. Helens?"
Watch "Catastrophic Geology" (21 min)
Watch "Mount St. Helens - Spirit Lake and the Floating Log Mat" (19 min)
Read "Mount St. Helens and Catastrophism" by Dr. Steve Austin
Go Deeper: Watch "Mount St. Helens: Explosive Evidence" (61 min) - Dr. Steve Austin Conf Lecture
Go Deeper: Read articles from Dr. Steve Austin on various catastrophes
Commentary from Del and the Director on filming at Mount St. Helens (12 min)
Read "What Actually Happened at Mount St. Helens?"
7. The Fossil Record - Part 18 Steps|1 Quiz
Read "What Does the Fossil Record Show About the History of the Earth?"
Watch "An Overview of the Rocks and Fossils" (23 min) - Dr. Marcus Ross
Read "Why are Fossil Footprints Curious Evidence for the Flood?"
Watch "The Fossil Record and Design" (22 min) - Dr. Marcus Ross
Read "Fossil Graveyards Everywhere"
Go Deeper: Watch "The Fossil Record" (64 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise Conf Lecture
Go Deeper: Read about Fossilization
Commentary from Del & the Director on filming Dr. Marcus Ross (11 min)
Read "What Does the Fossil Record Show About the History of the Earth?"
8. The Fossil Record - Part 27 Steps|1 Quiz
Read "10,000 Dinosaurs in 1 Meter of Mud"
Watch "Exploring Fossils and Paleocurrents" (21 min) - Dr. Art Chadwick
Watch "Catastrophe & Complexity" (20 min) - Dr. Art Chadwick
Watch "Fossil Nautiloids" (18 min) - Dr. Steve Austin
Behind the Scenes: Filming Steve Austin's Nautiloid Fossils
Go Deeper: Watch "The Paleontology of the Flood" (70 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise Conf Lecture
Commentary from Del and the Director on filming Dr. Art Chadwick
Read "10,000 Dinosaurs in 1 Meter of Mud"
9. The Age of Things: Evidence for a Young Earth8 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch "Evidence for a Young Earth" (19 min) - Dr. Andrew Snelling
Read "A Youthful Creation" in the New Creationism
Watch "Soft Tissue in Dinosaur Bones" (21 min) - Dr. Kevin Anderson
Read "Does the Age of the Earth Matter to the Gospel?"
Watch "Dating the Earth" (54 min) - Dr. Andrew Snelling Conf Lecture
Go Deeper: Watch "The Age of Things" (62 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise Conf Lecture
Go Deeper: Read Evidence for a Young Earth from The Genesis Flood Revisited (Book Chapters)
Commentary from Del and the Director on filming Kevin Anderson
Watch "Evidence for a Young Earth" (19 min) - Dr. Andrew Snelling
10. The Age of Things: Radioisotope Dating7 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch "Radioisotope Dating - Part 1" (23 min) - Dr. Andrew Snelling
Watch "Radioisotope Dating - Part 2" (18 min) - Dr. Andrew Snelling
Read "Thousands...Not Billions" (Book)
Go Deeper: Read "Radiometric Dating Methods" by Dr. Andrew Snelling
Go Deeper: Watch "Radiometric Dating: Relative, not Absolute Ages" (79 min) - Dr. Andrew Snelling Conf Lecture
Go Deeper: Watch "Radiocarbon: In need of Recalibration" (52 min) - Dr. Andrew Snelling Conf Lecture
Commentary from Del & the Director on Filming Dr. Andrew Snelling
Watch "Radioisotope Dating - Part 1" (23 min) - Dr. Andrew Snelling
11. The Natural History of the Earth9 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch "The History of Life" (19 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Watch "Evidence of the Catastrophic Past" (22 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Watch "The Rapid Formation of Coal" (18 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Watch "The Order of the Fossils" (21 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Watch "After the Flood & the Nature of Science" (20 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Read "History of Life" by Dr. Kurt Wise
Go Deeper: Watch "Pre-Flood Hydrothermal Biome" (65 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise Conf Lecture
Go Deeper: Read "The Hydrothermal Biome: A Pre-Flood Environment" - Kurt Wise ICC Technical Paper
Commentary from Del and the Director on filming Dr. Kurt Wise
Watch "The History of Life" (19 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
12. The Post-Flood Period8 Steps|1 Quiz
Read "What was the World Like After the Flood?"
Read "The Post-Flood World"
Watch "The Ice Age & Climate Change" (20 min) - Dr. Larry Vardiman
Read about the Ice Age (Book Chapter)
Go Deeper: Watch "The Post-Flood Period" (74 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise Conf Lecture
Go Deeper: Read "From the Ice Age to the Present World" - Dr. Andrew Snelling
Go Deeper: Read "Hypercanes Following the Genesis Flood" - Dr. Larry Vardiman ICC Technical Paper
Go Deeper: Read "The Potential for and Implications of Widespread Post-Flood Erosion and Mass Wasting Processes" - Dr. John Whimore ICC Technical Paper
Read "What was the World Like After the Flood?"
Advanced Topics: Precambrian Rocks to Flood Boundaries7 Steps
Watch "Precambrian Rocks: Record of the Creation & Pre-Flood Eras" (28 min) - Dr. Andrew Snelling Conf Lecture
Read "North American Precambrian Geology: A Proposed Young Earth Biblical Model" - ICC Technical Paper
Watch "The Sedimentology of the Flood" (90 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise Conf Lecture
Watch "The Pre-Flood/Flood Boundary" (42 min) - Dr. Steve Austin Conf Lecture
Read "The Pre-Flood / Flood Boundary: As Defined in Grand Canyon and East Mojave" - ICC Technical Paper
Watch "The Flood/Post-Flood Boundary" (53 min) - Dr. Steve Austin Conf Lecture
Read "Using Suites of Criteria to Recognize Pre-Flood, Flood, and Post-Flood Strata in the Rock Record with Application to Wyoming (USA)" - John Whitmore & Paul Garner ICC Technical Paper
Watch "Precambrian Rocks: Record of the Creation & Pre-Flood Eras" (28 min) - Dr. Andrew Snelling Conf Lecture
Understanding Life & Design13. Intelligent Design in Nature9 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch "How the Natural Realm Reflects God" (15 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Read selections from "The Living God" in Devotional Biology
Watch "Intelligent Design in Nature" (20 min) - Dr. Paul Nelson
Watch "Amazing Relationships Throughout Creation" (21 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Read about the Biomatrix in Devotional Biology
Watch "The Design of Animals & People" (20 min) - Dr. Stuart Burgess
Read "Complete Optimum Design" in Hallmarks of Design
Go Deeper: Watch "Introduction to Creation Biology" (65 min) - Dr. Todd Wood Conf. Lecture
Commentary from Del and the Director on filming Paul Nelson
Watch "How the Natural Realm Reflects God" (15 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
14. Created Kinds: Living Creatures8 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch "Introduction to Created Kinds" (16 min) - Dr. Todd Wood
Read about Created Kinds in The New Creationism
Watch "The Power of Natural Selection" (16 min) - Dr. Todd Wood
Read two chapters on created kinds in Hallmarks of Design
Watch "The Origin of Flight & Mosaic Animals" (10 min) - Dr. Todd Wood
Read "The Irreducible Flight Mechanisms of Birds" in Hallmarks of Design
Go Deeper: Watch "Created Kinds" (47 min) - Dr. Todd Wood Conf. Lecture
Go Deeper: Watch "The Wonders of Biological Change" (60 min) - Dr. Todd Wood Conf. Lecture
Watch "Introduction to Created Kinds" (16 min) - Dr. Todd Wood
15. Created Kinds: Humans7 Steps|1 Quiz
Read "The Doctrine of the Image of God"
Watch "Humans & Apes" (12 min) - Dr. Todd Wood
Read "Confusion, Cavemen, and Culture" from The New Creationism
Watch "Ape Men & Adam" (47 min) - Dr. Todd Wood Conf Lecture
Read Chapter 4 "God is Distinct" in Devotional Biology
Go Deeper: Watch "Human Genomes" (56 min) - Dr. Todd Wood Conf Lecture
Commentary from Del and the Director on filming Todd Wood
Read "The Doctrine of the Image of God"
16. Diversity, Design, & DNA8 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch "Diversity & Design in the Ocean" (21 min) - Dr. Rob Carter
Watch "Evolution, Creation, and the Order of Species" (18 min) - Dr. Rob Carter
Watch "The Extraordinary Design of DNA" (22 min) - Dr. Rob Carter
Read about DNA in Devotional Biology
Watch "Evolution & Mutations" (21 min) - Dr. Kevin Anderson
Read "Evolution" from Devotional Biology
Go Deeper: Watch "The Biochemical Basis of Life" (47 min) - Dr. Joe Deweese Conf Lecture
Go Deeper: Watch "Examining Mutations & Natural Selection" (40 min) - Dr. Joe Deweese Conf Lecture
Watch "Diversity & Design in the Ocean" (21 min) - Dr. Rob Carter
17. A World of Beauty & Death8 Steps|1 Quiz
Read "The Glory of God" from Devotional Biology
Watch "Biological Beauty" (32 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Read "The Doctrine of the Fall"
Watch "The Curse" (21 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Read "Defects & Degeneration" from The New Creationism
Read "Biological Evil" from Devotional Biology
Watch "Biological Evil" (22 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Go Deeper: Watch "Death & Natural Evil" (33 min) - Dr. Todd Wood Conf Lecture
Read "The Glory of God" from Devotional Biology
Advanced Topics: Molecular Biology to Genomes2 Steps
Understanding the Stars18. The Design of the Earth & the Solar System8 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch "The Extraordinary Design of the Universe" (21 min) - Dr. Danny Faulkner
Read "The Heavens and the Earth" from The New Creationism
Watch "The Design of Earth & Stars" (19 min) - Dr. Stuart Burgess
Read "The Provider God" from Devotional Biology
Watch "The Anthropic Principle & the Earth" (25 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Watch "The Anthropic Principle & the Solar System" (25 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Go Deeper: Watch "The Anthropic Principle & Atoms" (29 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Go Deeper: Watch "The Anthropic Principle & Molecules" (37 min) - Dr. Kurt Wise
Watch "The Extraordinary Design of the Universe" (21 min) - Dr. Danny Faulkner
19. Competing Cosmologies5 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch "The Light Travel Time Problem & the Big Bang" (21 min) - Dr. Danny Faulkner
Read "Universe By Design"
Watch: "Biblical Cosmology" (44 min) - Dr. Danny Faulkner Conf Lecture
Go Deeper: Read or Listen to "The Current State of Creation Astronomy II" - Dr. Danny Faulkner ICC Lecture
Commentary from Del and the Director on filming Danny Faulkner
Watch "The Light Travel Time Problem & the Big Bang" (21 min) - Dr. Danny Faulkner
Advanced Topics: UFOs to Black Holes5 Steps
Watch "Aliens and UFOs" (49 min) - Dr. Danny Faulkner Conf Lecture
Watch "Biblical Astronomy" (56 min) - Dr. Danny Faulkner Conf Lecture
Watch "Extra Solar Planets" (65 min) - Dr. Danny Faulkner Conf Lecture
Watch "Countering Flat Earth" (76 min) - Dr. Danny Faulkner Conf Lecture
Watch "Black Holes, Dark Matter, & Dark Energy" (59 min) - Dr. Danny Faulkner Conf Lecture
Watch "Aliens and UFOs" (49 min) - Dr. Danny Faulkner Conf Lecture
Understanding Archeology & Culture20. The Tower of Babel5 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch "Identifying the Tower of Babel" (23 min) - Dr. Doug Petrovich
Watch "Carbon Dating & the Septuagint" (17 min) - Dr. Doug Petrovich
Go Deeper: "Identifying Babel and its Tower" (51 min) - Dr. Doug Petrovich Conf Lecture
Go Deeper: "Identifying the Post-Babel Dispersion" (55 min) - Dr. Doug Petrovich Conf Lecture
Commentary from Del and the Director on filming Doug Petrovich
Watch "Identifying the Tower of Babel" (23 min) - Dr. Doug Petrovich
21. The Culture of Genesis5 Steps|1 Quiz
22. The Church & Genesis6 Steps|1 Quiz
Watch "The History of the Church on Creation & Evolution" (18 min) - Dr. Doug Kelly
Read "Theistic Evolution"
Watch "The Importance of the Doctrine of Creation" (18 min) - Dr. Doug Kelly
Read "What does the Rest of the Bible Say About Genesis?"
Watch "Answering Common Questions about the Text of Genesis" (17 min) - Dr. Doug Kelly
Watch "Understanding the Genre & Theology of Genesis" (22 min) - Dr. Doug Kelly
Watch "The History of the Church on Creation & Evolution" (18 min) - Dr. Doug Kelly
Advanced Topics: Biblical Archeology to the Hebrew Alphabet4 Steps
Watch "Introduction to Biblical Archeology" (58 min) - Dr. Doug Petrovich Conf Lecture
Watch "Jacob and Joseph in Egypt" (66 min) - Dr. Doug Petrovich Conf Lecture
Watch "Manasseh & Ephraim in Egypt" (54 min) - Dr. Doug Petrovich Conf Lecture
Watch "Hebrew as the First Alphabet" (53 min) - Dr. Doug Petrovich Conf Lecture
Watch "Introduction to Biblical Archeology" (58 min) - Dr. Doug Petrovich Conf Lecture
Read “A Path Through the Experts”
Problem Solving Skills
When I was an officer in the US Navy, I learned an important lesson. If you have a problem to solve, track down the subject-matter experts. In the Navy, the experts were the Chief Petty Officers. These were the guys who had undergone specialized training then worked for decades in a particular area (such as diesel engines or guns or electronics). They had earned their stripes solving hard problems. Nine times out of ten, the Chief knew the answer. And if he didn’t, he knew who to ask.
That is how I approached two of the key problems in making a documentary on creation and Genesis. What should I talk about and whom should I interview?
I began to ask around: Who were the veterans in the field who had studied their subject area up to the PhD level? Who had been writing and speaking on it for decades? And who had respect from their peers as one of the best experts on that topic?
The first scientist a friend recommended I talk to was Gordon Wilson, PhD. Gordon is a biologist who teaches at New St. Andrews College in Idaho. He is a tall man with a shock of blonde hair and a friendly face. Besides being an exceptional teacher (one of his former students told me), he loves turtles and knows an enormous amount about them. Gordon has also written an excellent high-school/college biology textbook from a creationist perspective entitled The Riot and the Dance.
When I called Gordon and explained what I wanted to do, he was very encouraging. He said that the approach of telling the positive creation account was a good idea. But, he said, his specialty was more in specific areas of biology instead of the big picture. He recommended I speak to someone who had done more work than he had on the various issues of creation, so he said I should talk to Kurt Wise.
Kurt, now a professor at Truett-McConnell University, had received his PhD in paleontology from Harvard under the legendary Stephen Jay Gould. Gordon did warn me, however, that Kurt didn’t use a cell phone and so could be hard to catch in his office.
Over and over again, Kurt showed how the scientific data fit with the Biblical record, and that the Bible is a reliable book of history whether we understand the science behind every aspect of it or not.
For about two weeks I tried calling Kurt, but to no avail. I tracked down one of his books and read it: Faith, Form and Time. It is very helpful overview of many of the issues in creation, including honest observations on some of the lesser understood and challenging areas of creation science.
Over and over again, Kurt showed how the scientific data fit with the Biblical record, and that the Bible is a reliable book of history whether we understand the science behind every aspect of it or not. I liked that.

It was one afternoon that I happened to catch Kurt in his office. He was a bit cautious: how did I know to call him, who was I, and why was I doing a documentary on Genesis? After hearing a little of my story, he said he had ten minutes to talk.
110 minutes later, I hung up, a bit mentally exhausted. It was an exceptionally insightful conversation. He talked about the role of the Bible in understanding creation, what science really is, his particular background, various issues in the world of creation, people I should talk to, etc. etc. What I found so captivating was his deep love for understanding God’s creation through scientific study. At one point in the conversation, he said, “If more people understood how science really works, there wouldn’t be so much perceived conflict between science and the Bible. The truth is, there really isn’t a conflict.”
Branching Out
From Kurt, my list of recommendations began to branch out, one person recommending others, and they in turn recommending more: John Baumgardner (physicist), Jonathan Sarfati (chemist), Paul Nelson (philosopher), Steve Austin (geologist), Todd Wood (biologist), Marcus Ross (paleontologist), Rob Carter (marine biologist/geneticist), Stuart Burgess (engineer), Andrew Snelling (geologist), and so on and so forth. During this process, I have spoken to over 40+ scientists, writers, and experts as I tried to understand the real issues at hand, as well as identify the handful of people to interview.
Many people don’t realize that there is a solid body of smart, dedicated scientists who have for decades been doing insightful scientific research in the area of creation science.
Part of that process has been painful since I was not able to include some really exceptional scientists in the project simply because I didn’t have a good place to fit them in. Sometimes it was the result of having multiple people who were complimentary experts, although more often it was because I was not going in depth in their areas of expertise. Although we do cover many areas, there is just so much that we simply could not discuss due to time.
The truth is, this documentary and teaching series is exposing the tip of an iceberg. Many people don’t realize that there is a solid body of smart, dedicated scientists who have for decades been doing insightful scientific research in the area of creation science. They represent a wide variety of scientific and theological backgrounds, and yet everyone I’ve spoken to agrees that the book of Genesis is an accurate historical account which must be taken into consideration when one is doing any kind of science, especially the historical sciences.