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F.O.R.M. Pillar 1: Functional Fitness
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Before You Begin2 Steps
Lesson 1: Made to Move7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 2: Functional Fitness7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 3: Move Today/Move Tomorrow7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 4: Why Train (Part 1)7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 5: Why Train (Part 2)7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 6: Healthy on the Inside (Part 1)7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 7: Healthy on the Inside (Part 2)7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 8: Fighting Sickness/Blood Flow7 Steps|1 Quiz
Lesson 2,
Step 6
In Progress
Devotional Guide
Lesson Progress
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Psalm 139:13-16
We’re each made by God in a specific way. Our bodies are beautiful and valuable to Him. Because He made our bodies to move, movement helps us to be healthy in each season of our lives. When we move, we cooperate with the way God made us. Any engineer wants the machinery he or she creates to run smoothly and do what it’s designed to do. In a similar way, God made us to be healthy and thrive in His plans for us. Be encouraged that when you find ways to move, you’re cooperating with the wonderful way God made you.
- How does movement help our bodies to be healthy?
- What does Psalm 139 teach us about our physical bodies?