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F.O.R.M. Pillar 1: Functional Fitness

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  1. Before You Begin
    2 Steps
  2. Lesson 1: Made to Move
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  3. Lesson 2: Functional Fitness
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  4. Lesson 3: Move Today/Move Tomorrow
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  5. Lesson 4: Why Train (Part 1)
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  6. Lesson 5: Why Train (Part 2)
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  7. Lesson 6: Healthy on the Inside (Part 1)
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  8. Lesson 7: Healthy on the Inside (Part 2)
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
  9. Lesson 8: Fighting Sickness/Blood Flow
    7 Steps
    1 Quiz
Lesson Progress
0% Complete

Lesson Summary

Our bodies are amazing symphonies of organs, muscles, bones, and many other parts all working together to create, well, you! It is truly mind-boggling when you try to grasp the wonderful complexity of our structure. This great collaboration of components needs maintenance though. Think about your house and all its components. You have a roof, walls, running water, electricity, and many other things. If, for example, your electricity were to stop working, think about all the things that would have to stop along with it (oven, refrigerator, etc). Our bodies are in some ways like our houses. If we don’t take care of every part, one problem can lead to other problems.

The best way we can take care of our bodies is to move. Our bodies are designed to move and to act. Every time we move, we make our lungs fill up like balloons. That added air allows more oxygen to get to the rest of our bodies. The more oxygen our brain, muscles, and organs get, the better they function. Moving even helps to take care of our bones by making them stronger and safer from breaking. By moving, we help our bodies achieve homeostasis, which is a big word meaning that our bodies seek to adapt and become more comfortable in their circumstances. Physical activity helps our bodies adapt and change to be healthier.

Key Takeaways

  • Our bodies are made up of many components that all work together to make up all of what makes you, you.
  • If we don’t take care of our bodies in the way they need, one problem can lead to another. Our bodies struggle to be healthy if we don’t put effort into taking care of them. We should do our best to take care of the one body we get.
  • The best way we can take care of our bodies in the way they need is to move. Our bodies are designed in every way to move. Moving is a key element which allows our bodies to become the best version of themselves. It helps to keep the machine well oiled and functioning like it is supposed to.
  • Physical activity makes us breathe harder. When we breathe harder, our lungs fill up with air. The more air they can take in, the more oxygen gets into our blood. The more oxygen gets into our blood, the better our brain, muscles, and organs function.
  • Homeostasis is the body’s ability to adapt and change according to the circumstances it is in. When we exercise, we increase our body’s ability to adapt to whatever it is doing.
  • When we don’t spend much time moving, our bodies are at risk of having any number of problems or issues. We do our bodies a disservice if we don’t get up and move to take care of them. Sometimes it might not be the easy thing to get up and move around, but in the end you’ll be thankful you went for it.
  • The more stress or hard work we put our bodies through, the stronger our bodies become. It’s kind of like a tree out in a storm. Though the wind and the rain may beat against the tree, at the end of it all, the tree’s bark and roots are stronger than ever because of the stress of the storms.