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Grammar for Writers

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  1. Module 1

    Lesson 1.1: Introduction
    2 Steps
  2. Lesson 1.2: The Main Line
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  3. Lesson 1.3: Subjects and Verbs
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  4. Lesson 1.4: Objects and Complements
    2 Steps
    2 Quizzes
  5. Lesson 1.5: The Five Clause Patterns
    2 Steps
    2 Quizzes
  6. Lesson 1.6: Actors and Actions, Subjects and Verbs
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  7. Lesson 1.7: What Is the Passive Voice?
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  8. Lesson 1.8: When Is the Passive Useful?
    2 Steps
    2 Quizzes
  9. Lesson 1.9: Nominalization
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  10. Lesson 1.10: Strong Verbs, Precise Verbs
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  11. Lesson 1.11: Keeping Verbs Close to Subjects
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  12. Lesson 1.12: Compounds on the Main Line
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  13. Lesson 1.13: Verb Tenses
    3 Steps
    1 Quiz
  14. Module 2
    Lesson 2.1: Introduction
    2 Steps
  15. Lesson 2.2: Adjectives and Adverbs
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  16. Lesson 2.3: What’s So Bad About Adverbs?
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  17. Lesson 2.4: Prepositional Phrases I
    2 Steps
  18. Lesson 2.5: Prepositional Phrases II
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  19. Lesson 2.6: Participles
    2 Steps
  20. Lesson 2.7: Participial Phrases
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  21. Lesson 2.8: Infinitive Phrases
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  22. Lesson 2.9: Subordinate Clauses
    2 Steps
  23. Lesson 2.10: Adjective Clauses
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  24. Lesson 2.11: Adverb Clauses
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  25. Lesson 2.12: More on Subordinate Clauses
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  26. Lesson 2.13: Misplaced Modifiers
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  27. Lesson 2.14: Conclusion
    2 Steps
  28. Module 3
    Lesson 3.1: Introduction
    2 Steps
  29. Lesson 3.2: Noun Clauses
    2 Steps
    2 Quizzes
  30. Lesson 3.3: Gerunds and Infinitives
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  31. Lesson 3.4: Appositives
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  32. Lesson 3.5: Essential and Non-Essential Elements
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  33. Lesson 3.6: Review
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  34. Module 4
    Lesson 4.1: Introduction
    2 Steps
  35. Lesson 4.2: Subject-Verb Agreement
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  36. Lesson 4.3: Pronouns and Antecedents
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  37. Lesson 4.4: Connecting Clauses
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  38. Lesson 4.5: Connecting Clauses (Part 2)
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  39. Lesson 4.6: Parallelism
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  40. Lesson 4.7: Nominative Absolutes
    2 Steps
    1 Quiz
  41. Lesson 4.8: Course Wrap-Up
    2 Steps
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Lecture Notes
Module 1, Lesson 4: Objects and Complements

Grammar is about relatively simple units organized in infinitely complex ways. A clause is one of those relatively simple units. (I am speaking here of the main line of a clause, not its modifiers.)

A clause tells who did what. It has a subject and a verb. And it may have TWO (and only two) other things: OBJECTS and COMPLEMENTS.

An OBJECT is a NOUN—a person, place or thing that RECEIVES the action of a verb. The subject PERFORMS the action, the object RECEIVES the action (at least in an active construction; passive constructions, as we will see, are a different matter).

Linda kicked the ball.

Linda is the subject—she did the kicking. The ball is the object. It got kicked. It RECEIVED the kick.

Finding Direct Objects

Just as we had a Verb Finder and a Subject Finder, there is also a Direct Object Finder. Once you have found your verb and your subject, you plug them into this question:

SUBJECT VERB who or what?

If that question has an answer, the answer is your direct object. In the case of LINDA KICKED THE BALL, the Direct Object Finder is the question,

Linda kicked whatThe ball.

Ball is the direct object.

In the case of A goat ate my cell phone, the Direct Object Finder is the question,

Goat ate what? My cell phone.

Cell phone is the direct object.

Finding Indirect Objects

IF you have a direct object, you may ALSO have an indirect object—another noun that doesn’t directly receive the action, but FOR WHOM or TO WHOM the action is performed. This indirect object always appears immediately before the direct object.

So let’s look at this sentence: I will pour you a glass of water.

First, use the Direct Object Finder: I will pour what? Be careful here: don’t say YOU. I’m not pouring YOU. I will pour a glass of water.

Now that we’ve found the Direct Object, we can apply the Indirect Object Finder.

The Indirect Object Finder, like the Subject Finder and the Direct Object Finder, is a fill-in- the-blank question:


I will pour a glass of water to or for whomYou.

You is the indirect object.

Grandpa read Cindy a book.

Grandpa read a book to or for whom? Cindy.

Cindy is the indirect object.

Direct and Indirect Object Review

  • An object is always a noun or a noun equivalent.
  • You can’t have an indirect object without a direct object.
  • The indirect object, if you have one, always comes immediately before the directobject.
  • An indirect can always be rephrased as a prepositional phrase beginning with to or for.

Ken gave Barbie flowers Ken gave flowers to Barbie.
Grandpa read Cindy a book Grandpa read a book to Cindy.

Predicate Complements

A complement either renames the subject, or describes the subject. The following sentences contain predicate complements:

  • My heroes have always been cowboys. (Heroes renames cowboys.)
  • You are a sweetheart. (Sweetheart renames you.)
  • My dog is lazy. (Lazy describes my dog.)
  • My dog smells funny. (Funny describes my dog.)

predicate nominative is a noun that renames the subject.
predicate adjective is an adjective that describes the subject.

The verb that connects or links the subject and the complement is called a linking verb. Think of a linking verb as an ‘equal sign’:

  • My heroes = cowboys
  • You = sweetheart
  • My dog = lazy
  • My dog = funny (as regards her odor)

The most common linking verb (by far) is to be: AM, IS, ARE, WAS, WERE, BE, BEING, BEEN

There are other linking verbs:

  • You LOOK lovely.
  • Luther SMELLS strange.
  • That test PROVED difficult.

There is no reason to try to memorize all the linking verbs. If the noun after a verb renames the subject, or if an adjective after a verb describes the subject, that verb is serving as a linking verb.

Distinguishing Objects from Complements

What’s the difference between an OBJECT and a COMPLEMENT? An object is a noun that is separate from the subject. The subject does something to or for the object.

A complement IS the subject (or, rather, it IS the subject if it’s a noun, it DESCRIBES the subject if it’s an adjective).

Consider these two sentences:

  • My dog smells funny.
  • My dog smells a hamburger.

These sentences look a lot alike, but one of them has a direct object, and one of them has a complement. To put it another way, in one of these sentences, SMELLS is an action verb, and in one of these sentences, smells is a linking verb.

In the first sentence, funny is a complement. It describes the dog. So smells is operating as a linking verb. In the second sentence, hamburger is a DIRECT OBJECT. The dog is not a hamburger. In this case, smells is an action verb; it tells something that the dog is doing TO the hamburger.

To review:

  • On the main line of a clause, you MUST have a subject and a verb, and you MAY have an object (possibly two—direct and indirect) or a complement.
  • There are two kinds of objects. The direct object receives the action. The indirect object is the entity to whom or for whom the action is performed.
  • There are two types of complements: predicate nominatives (nouns that rename a subject) and predicate adjectives(adjectives that describe a subject).
  • A complement renames or describes the subject, but an object is a noun that is separate from the subject.
  • A less common type of complement, the objective complement, renames or describes a direct object, just as a predicate complement renames or describes the subject. We will see examples of objective complements in the next lesson.

Incredibly, we have now looked at everything that can happen on the main line of a clause: subjects, verbs, objects, complements. These elements can only occur in certain combinations and in certain orders. There are only five such combinations—the five clause patterns of the next lesson.